Lifestyle and impact of inflation||23-11-2024

drhira -

Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is great.
Today I would share my views about the inflation and diary game is bit different from the previous days.


I visited the local market for buying few things I reached market there was great rush of people there and I was just amazed to see.

Everyone was searching different winter items and it seems there was much variety especially in used items.

When I saw there was much price even of lower quality products and most of people seems desperate because they couldn't buy these items.

Even I couldn't buy a cap because the quality was worst and prices were much higher and you know I was really worried to see what I have to do.

Then I moved towards pant corner with spending 30 minutes I found two that was so so. But the question ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ is that how would be control of this inflation although the income sources are not increased.

I saw everyone worry and in tension and most of them return the empty hands that was question mark.

Then I will going to thought what would be the future of our generations where no one can buy the second hand things how they will buy the new ones which they wanted for their children this is really alrming situation for my country people including me.

We can afford only our basic needs while living hands to mouth, why all time miserable in buying and and all other things!!!!!!!
Kind regards
