DeSo - Decentralized Social

devpress -

I joined many blockchain based social networks. Steemit was recent. Prior to that I tried hive, deso, inleo and others. I have realized that there are many options out there. But people create groups and then they vote each other up. Content can be horribly bad but they tend to favor each other. English and the native bias can be horrible too. But things just keep moving.

DeSo is like a place which is trying to become twitter. And the place has been going on pretty good though earning and also the amount of income that the place can get you is not a lot. I have earned few cents here and there and that is about it. You need to form a community and spend some money over there too. So it is kind of like spending enough that would make you enough.

Image credit: my account screenshot

It also has the creator coin concept. And I am trying my best to work with this and hopefully things would kind of build on this. I have not much earned there. 4 dollar worth of the creator coin value. Which in short would be making income as well. Lot of interesting stuff these days. Let's see where things go.

Is it a good place? I think you have to try out and also earn the incomeout of the amount that you have added into the community building that makes sense.