Enjoying the Beauty of Nature, and All That Goes With it!

denmarkguy -

If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time, you're probably aware that I illustrate most of my posts with my own nature photos.

It's something I've been doing pretty much since publishing my very first blog posts, back in 1998!

It's not that I am looking for a "forum" to show off my photography — I am far from a professional photographer — it's something I do for no reason other than the fact that I just enjoy nature, that much!

I've always been somewhat of a "nature nerd," and started taking pictures of the natural world as soon as I was given my very first camera, when I was no more than maybe 11 or 12 years old.

To be honest, I just never got very much into "people photography." In fact, I'm pretty awful at taking pictures of people, unless I can do candid shots of them from a distance, when they don't even know they are being photographed.

I guess I just don't care for "posed" subject matter, all that much!

In spite of the fact that I have tens of thousands of digital photos on my computer — all of them my own! — I still don't really consider myself to be "a photographer." I'm basically just an enthusiastic nature lover!

I like to find the ordinary in my everyday surroundings, get close-up with it, and then share what I see... and what the camera sees, which is typically something of beauty that we don't notice when we quickly walk by, too busy with all our daily duties to stop and truly look at what's in front of us.

Many of my photos are the result of having to wait somewhere — people arriving by train or ferry, or I'm waiting for a meeting — and having a few moments to look at what's immediately around me.

I don't necessarily claim to know what I'm doing... but I think I have developed a fairly decent eye for details. And perhaps I also see those details because I am blessed with really good eyesight, when I am really close to something!

It's a holiday weekend here, so tomorrow/today is a bank holiday. Perhaps I will spend some of the day outside with my camera!

Thanks for reading, and have a great week ahead!

How about you? Do you enjoy photography? Are you a nature lover? Do leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)
Created at 2023.05.28 23:56 PST