My Christmas Tree

deetalka6 -

Christmas is a special season for Godly children like me to celebrate Master Jesus. It's also a time to see ourselves marching into a bond of greatness.

I salute @curtain for coming up with this astonish idea. I greet the supporters and amiable Steemians.


What does the Christmas tree mean to you?

Christmas tree mean a lot to me.

Have you had a Christmas tree every Christmas season?

No. In my country, that looks odd. We don't do that. Instead, we gift ourselves other kinds of gift. Gifts like buying bible, academic materials for the person.

How do you like to decorate your tree?

I would love to decorate the tree by designing it with three different colours:

Has it been difficult for you to acquire decorations for your tree or do you save and recycle them every year?

It has been difficult. The expenses are not friendly at all. So instead of buying decorations, I use my creative-brain to build decorations for myself.

If you could choose a tree from the image I show you, which one would you select and why?

I would select the sky-blue. It represent christ in nature form. Meaning that, God is omnipresent. And more reason why I consider this one-point a heavyweight is because God is the sustainer of my life.

I donate 15% to @cotina

I invite @bossj23, @basil20 and @chisom77 to participate in this contest.