Bitcoin Price Broke up All Resistances!

chorock -

Today Bitcoin price broke up all resistances! It is time to live mega bullish season. Mega bullish season is just started. We are only at the beginning of this season.

I shared lots of analysis about Bitcoin price chart. I showed you all resistances on Bitcoin price chart. There was the last resistance which I was waiting for breaking up. It was on MACD Indicator. Bitcoin price broke up this resistance in daily chart. It was tested 4 times before. We may see parabolic price pumps on Bitcoin price chart.

Here you can see daily chart of Bitcoin. You can see what happaned after breaking up the resistance on MACD Indicator.

Here you can see wekely chart of Bitcoin. MACD Indicator just reversed. This is why I said we are only at the beginning of bullrun.

Fisher and RSI Indicators are at good level for bullrun.

So it may take a few months for bullish season. We should be carefull after two months. I will start the dangers on Bitcoin price chart a few weeks later.

So, it is time to cash flow into crypto market. We will see Bitcoin price at 100K in a few weeks. There is no mahor resistances on Bitcoin price chart.

We will see..