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Dragnet Surveillance of Youtube Viewers


3 months agoSteemit2 min read

America's Secret Police (Part 17)

Geofencing warrants, Section 702, genealogical database search warrants, Data Analytic Services and simply buying our information from data brokers are not the only forms of dragnet surveillance the Feds have at their disposal. Back in March, Forbes revealed that they also go after Youtube accounts that view the wrong videos. The FBI ordered Google to provide the names, addresses, telephone numbers and user activity for all Google account users who accessed YouTube tutorials for mapping with drones and augmented reality software between January 1 and January 8, 2023 as well as the IP addresses of non-Google account users who viewed the videos just to find one guy who sold bitcoin for cash. These videos were viewed by thousands of users who were not that guy. The FBI are not the only LEOs with this type of court ordered dragnet surveillance of video sharing websites. The Portsmouth, NH police ordered Google to unmask thousands of accounts that had viewed any of 8 different live streams just to find one guy who had called in a bomb threat in a public square. While Alphabet Inc. claims to protect the privacy and constitutional rights of their users any reasonable person knows this is bullshit. As I pointed out several years ago in Telecom and Tech Companies are Government Agents companies like Alphabet are little more than extensions of the executive branch who save police the cost and trouble building their own surveillance network and many so-called tech company innovations were backed by DARPA research and In-Q-Tel investments.


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