Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Beginner - The Just Swap Platform

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Justswap has gained a lot of growth since it was created and has grown to become one of the top protocols in the DeFi space. JustSwap is basically a decentralized exchange protocol and automated liquidity protocol that operates on the tron blockchain for exchanging between tron-based tokens. Users can easily convert between any tron-based TRC20 tokens. On justswap, liquidity providers who provide liquidity on the DEX protocol collect the trading fees directly as it ensures that it is secure and decentralized.

The JustSwap platform which is also an automated market maker that was created with the aim of developing DeFi protocols that operates on tron and also provide its users with all-in-one solutions in finance. Justswap earns the reputation as one of the top DeFi protocols on the tron blockchain network and that is why it is one of the most used DeFi protocols on tron. One of the main benefits of the Justswap protocol is that is decentralized, which means that there is no central authority that dictates what happens on the exchange. Also, anyone can have access and make use of the protocol and as I mentioned already, Justswap protocol utilizes smart contracts on the tron blockchain and the protocol is based on the concept of AMM and liquidity pools.

Liquidity Providers who provide liquidity on Justswap earn a portion of the transaction fees paid from all swap transactions on the justswap protocol. Any user can become a liquidity provider on Justswap by adding assets to the liquidity pool and start earning rewards from the transaction fees. Users can add tokens into the pool at a ratio of 50/50. This means 50% of each token will be added. Any time a user performs a swap transaction to swap tokens on Justswap, the user pays 0.3% fee which goes directly to the liquidity providers. This fee is split proportionally and distributed to the liquidity providers based on the quantity of tokens each liquidity provider has provided.

Features of Justswap platform

The justswap platform has its main features such as the swap, LP pools, scan, SUN swap, WTRX and WBTT.


The swap feature is basically the exchange section where all the swap transactions are done. Users can swap between TRX and tron-based tokens on the swap section.


The pool section allows anyone to add liquidity and become a liquidity provider on Justswap. Liquidity assets is added at a 50/50 ratio of both assets.

LP pools

The LP pools feature allows for justswap mining where users can stake their LP tokens on JustSwap platform and earn rewards. Users can select from the different LP mining options to stake and earn rewards based on the APY.


The scan feature is basically for exploring the statistics and details of the different justswap trading pairs. Users can search the name or address of a justswap trading pair. On the scan section, users can view transactions, trx price, new pairs, trading pairs, liquidity, volume etc.

SUN swap

This feature allows tron users to swap their SUNOLD token to the upgraded SUN token.


This feature allows tron users to exchange TRX to WTRX or WRTX to TRX at a ratio of 1:1. Also, exchange BTT to WBTT or WBTT to BTT at a ratio of 1:1.

Help center

The help center section is for enquiries and for users to get more information about the justswap platform.