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10 months ago6 min read

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题图:cheva 用必应DALL E3创作




另一件是AI业界的领头羊,如日中天的公司OpenAI,GPT-4的创立者,居然一夜之间分崩离析了,情节离奇犹如风云大戏。因为就在不久前,OpenAI才刚刚对它们的GPT-4进行了一次大升级,推出了可以音对话和读图的多模态GPT-4和可以发布自己的人工智能机器人应用的GPT-S,还有速度更快、价格更低的GPT-4 Turbo API,怎么看都是蒸蒸日上的,而且还甩开了它的竞争者一大段的距离。可以说在这场AI大潮中,只有和OpenAI保持合作关系的微软跟上了它,而谷歌已经被大大的甩在了身后。

而从公开媒体信息来看,OpenAI成功的背后的灵魂人物是一位年轻人,名字和打怪兽的奥特曼非常相似,也就是萨姆 奥特曼,他是OpenAI的CEO。当然也有人打趣地说CEO名字非常好听,但实际上也就是高级打工仔,随时可以被老板开掉,没想到这样的明星级的人物,可以说是公司灵魂的人也会碰到这样的情况。

就是前天,奥特曼突然接到通知要他参加一个在用Google Meeting召开的线上会议,而就在这个会上,他才被告知董事会已经做出了决定将他开除。可想而知,和所有局外人一样,萨姆 奥特曼本人也是一头雾水。








![OIG (7).jpeg] (

Title image: cheva created with Bing DALL E3

In addition to some fights and killings and political deceit, there are still some wonderful things in this world. For example, in the last few days, two unexpected things have happened.

One is that Milley, an Austro-minded economist, has just been elected president of Argentina. Many of his political ideas are in line with the ideas of the Austrian School of Economics. For example, he wants to drastically streamline the government, dismantling 20 government departments into 8, and abolishing the central bank. This is undoubtedly the most daring political proposition, and it is also the political proposition closest to the core of Austrian thought.

The Austrians advocated a complete free market economy, including that money should be generated by the free market itself, rather than designated by state and government authorities or political authorities. In fact, the vast majority of currencies used throughout human history have been produced by spontaneous choice by the market. From gold and silver to the earliest paper money and copper coins, they were all formed spontaneously in the free market without government intervention.

The other is that the leader of the AI industry, such as OpenAI, the founder of GPT-4, fell apart overnight, and the plot was bizarre. Because not long ago, OpenAI just made a big upgrade to their GPT-4, launching a multi-modal GPT-4 that can read audio and read pictures, and GPT-S that can release its own artificial intelligence robot applications, as well as the faster and cheaper GPT-4 Turbo API, no matter how you look at it, it is thriving, and it is also a long distance away from its competitors. It can be said that in this AI tide, only Microsoft, which maintains a cooperative relationship with OpenAI, has kept up with it, and Google has been greatly left behind.

Judging from public media information, the soul behind OpenAI's success is a young man whose name is very similar to Ultraman who fights monsters, that is, Sam Ultraman, who is the CEO of OpenAI. Of course, some people joke that the CEO's name is very good, but in fact, he is a senior worker who can be fired by the boss at any time.

It was the day before yesterday that Ultraman was suddenly notified that he was attending an online meeting using Google Meeting, and it was at this meeting that he was informed that the board of directors had made a decision to expel him. As you can imagine, like all outsiders, Ultraman Sam himself is confused.

There are different theories as to why this incident is happening, but some say that it is because the top of the board of directors has a conflict of ideas with Ultraman, and they don't want him to train a product like GPT-5 that is more powerful than GPT-4, believing that it will bring disaster to mankind. Of course, maybe the real reason is not so complicated, maybe it's just human nature at work.

Firing an important person in a company does not seem to be something that a well-run company can make, but rather an impromptu decision made by someone in a powerful position in the company. Just like when Trump was president, he fired CIA Director Comey in a similar way, and Comey himself learned of the president's decision on the TV news.

At the end of the day, OpenAI started out as a non-profit organization with the idea that technology like AI shouldn't be in the hands of a small group of big companies with money, it should belong to everyone. Therefore, its initial research results are also completely open-source, such as GPT-4's predecessor GPT-3, which is an open-source language model. Also, the Whisper speech-to-text model that I use a lot now, and it's also the best of the open-source speech-to-text models, which is much better than the speech-to-text models that require a subscription on the Internet to use, and it's free.

However, after the fire of GPT-4, the company gradually abandoned the concept of open source and turned to a business model, but the organizational structure did not change much, and the original non-profit organization structure was still used. The board of directors composed of three people has very much power, while the shareholders have almost no power, and the shareholders and investors have no say, so behind the whole incident should be a palace fight. OpenAI's top management saw that the products invented by the organization had huge commercial and economic benefits, so they used the power in their hands to take more of it, so they drove out the people who posed the greatest threat to them.

Those of us who have received nine years of compulsory education Chinese all know that the economic base determines the superstructure, whether this is true or not is still up for debate, but there is no doubt that the economic base and the superstructure must be compatible, and they do not know who decides who decides, but at least one thing must be adapted to each other.

In the case of OpenAI, either you stick to your non-profit philosophy and don't commercialize GPT-4, or you change the organizational structure and operate as a joint-stock company of a commercial company, run a commercial company as a non-profit organization, or run a non-profit business with the structure of a commercial company, both of which will lead to disaster.

These two events, whether it is the emergence of the Austrian president or the fall of OpenAI, have brought us a lot to think about. How should we view the advantages and risks of a free market economy? How should we view the development and impact of AI technology? How should we view the alignment and change of organizational structure and philosophy? There are no easy answers to these questions, but we can't avoid them because they are related to our future.


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