The World is Falling Apart - How and Why to build it back

builderofcastles -

Every aspect of life has been attacked.

T.H.E.Y. cannot allow you to keep anything. Not even your memories.

T.H.E.Y. are now even attacking our sexuality. We can't define "woman". And an adult, having a sexual relationship with a child is being defined as "love".

T.H.E.Y. must try to break down everyone. Only then do T.H.E.Y. feel safe. With you incapable of mounting a defense to their destruction of your world.

And this is most evident in manufacturing. We are a technological society who has no real understanding of technology. And that is by design.


One of the biggest things to do, if you do not want anyone understanding the whole picture is to compartmentalize everything.

Most humans are lazy, and so, if it isn't important to their job, they won't go looking for the bigger answers. "Why do i have to fill out this form?" Well, nobody knows. The person on the other side thinks, "Why do i have to file/keep this form?" And the real reason, if you could go back in time, or you ferret out the paper trails is that some boss had to CYA after getting their butt chewed.

This is one example of a way compartmentalization works, not by conspiracy, but by bureaucracy.

Conspiracy takes this to a whole other level. Where, they tell each level a different lie. Then, each level thinks that they are smarter than the other levels, however, they never question the lies.

Applied to manufacturing, there are all kinds of legacy happenings that keep technology from moving forward. Old parts that are just, this is the way it has always been done.

In automotives we have all kinds of parts on an engine that are just there because of old bureaucracies. Laws put in place logn ago, that today are meaningless. Like the PCV valve. Today, they make the engine run worse, but just you try to remove it.

The laws about engines are separated from the understanding/engineering knowledge of engines.

You find this kind of compartmentalizing in all large corporations.

Make everything a black box

There are so many things that people do not know what they do. Even experts. The technicians know how to work with it, but they know almost nothing about what it inside, or what it actually does.

Like the CAN bus in today's vehicle. This thing is almost impossible to actually work on, so most mechanics just replace parts until it starts working again. And it seems to be designed that way. Not helpful to the repair person at all.

Our smart phones are another example. Where are your files and records in there? Most do not know. And those who do know say that the file system is horrendous. Where is your secret data stored? No where you can find it, but right there in the open, usually unencrypted if you know where to look. The smart phone is a true black box. It is designed to keep you out of it.

On an iPhone you cannot load your own software, that you wrote, without getting authorization from Apple. If Apple goes away tomorrow, your iPhone is basically a brick. Hopefully some krackers will be able to jail-break all the phones, but that is no guarantee.

The Sinclair 1000 was an early computer that you could do anything you wanted with. You could program on it natively. (smart phones do not have this capability) You could modify it. You could get it to run thing with its input/output (like we do today with an Arduino). It was all in the user's hands. Today, most things are made to keep people out.

Don't let people repair

Why are we even having a legal issue about the "Right to repair"? It is yours. You bought it. Sure, you may void the warrenty, but it's yours to do with what you want. Or is it? Many manufacturers are saying, no, it is not yours.

So many of the engines today have covers that make the engine compartment look all clean, but deny you any view of the actual engine or its functioning. Some cars today are designed so that a normal person cannot change the oil. Some auto makers do not provide certain parts to consumers.

John Deere have a lot of people upset at them because they tried to deny farmers from servicing their own tractors. John Deere lost the lawsuit, but i haven't seen them running to help out the farmers fixing their machines.

Everywhere you look things are designed to be disposable. Or, in other words, unrepairable.

The parts needed for repair often cost more than the item new.
The service person's time is often more costly than the item new.

This is not because manufacturing in bulk makes the item that cheap, it is subsidies (to keep manufacturing in China), and companies making their items not repair friendly that make these things that way.

There is no need for manufacturers to do this, except for greed and diabolic people who want to keep people from being self sufficient.

You add all these things together and you can see why things are falling apart and there is nothing we can do about it. We will basically have to re-engineer manufacturing. Most people do not understand what manufacturing is. So many people cannot think about all the parts coming together to form an item. But, this is made worse by obfuscating every aspect of the product.

Those of us who are going to be part of the new world are going to have to learn a lot more about how to build things. And the new things we build will be designed to be fixed.

For those of us going down this path, realize that there will be a lot more push-back against you then you think their should be. And this is because T.H.E.Y. spent a long time getting people into their little boxes. How dare you try to let them out. It is an existential threat to them.

We must remake our world. And that includes manufacturing. We must take back control and build our own things.

No matter the amount of propaganda that says we shouldn't. No matter the number of cease and desists letters we get from lawyers. And be sure to open-source everything, because the Federal End-table of Intimidation loves to show up and stop inventors.

All images in this post are my own original creations.