MAGA vs WOKE! an (un)Civil War?

builderofcastles -

(un)Civil War is coming to America

Is this the battle line that is being drawn?

It is no longer Conservatives vs Liberal.
Where both sides had many shared values.

It is now neoCons vs neoLiberals. MAGA vs WOKE.
Where one side wants to desperately hold onto what they think they have (a memory for the most part) and the other side wants to burn it all down

And where do Libertarians / Anarcho-Capitalists / Abolitionist fit into this?


Make America Great Again. If you remember when Americans were the good guys. Baseball and apple pie. You probably think that this slogan is a great thing.

And if you take this to its logical conclusion, basically it is to make America the good guys again. Make our industries the leaders of the world. Actually help out the world. All great stuff.

But, in order to do this, you would have to dig up and get rid of all of the corruption. You would have to clean out most of the bureaucracy and tear to the ground the "intelligence" agencies. These kind of things MAGA supporters really aren't totally up on.


So, we go to school and learn of all the bad things that America did.
Like Americans were one of the first to free slaves... no, wait, we had slaves we are bad.
We conquered the indians and enslaved mothers to the kitchen... without shoes!
America forgot to give women the right to vote! (also forgot to give men that privilege)

America is bad, and should be burned to the ground. (fiery but mostly peaceful protests)
We should have socialism and make sure everyone gets enough money to live and buy food.

In doing this, the WOKE mob will destroy the food production and the housing. And there will never be equality except equally poor in a tent city.

Is (un)Civil War inevitable?

The MAGA crowd see the WOKEsters as really idiotic and so would never give into any of their demands.
The WOKESters feel that MAGA people are evil, heartless, cruel. Not-C's. The worst people alive who should all get punched in the face.

The divide between these two is amplified and shoved down everyone's throat on the MSmockingbirdM. In every form of media, it is there.

Nowhere is it shown that the banksters are orchestrating this. It isn't greedy capitalists, its inhuman sociopaths that want complete control who is impoverishing everyone. Homeless? banksters. Wars? banksters. No one sees that these are really the bad guys.

What we see is an orchestrated attack on First and Second Amendments.
And every freedom loving person knows this is the drop dead line.

Can we get these two side to come together?
Well, it would mean that the WOKEsters would have to give up what they think is their core tenants (no more guns, silence the other side, entitlement to other people's money...). But, they can be shown that their real core tenants are to get people housing and food. And this is most easily done through capitalism.

The MAGA people are correct in their ideas of need to work to survive; don't burn down the houses and the businesses. But can they help out all the people when they can barely make ends meet themselves?

It might be doable, but one side wants to get rid of the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Which means, that when the other side realizes that they really mean, there will be blood in the street.

Anarcho-Capitalism to the rescue?


It will be what reforms society from the ashes. (if everything burns down)

As the world gets much more inhospitable to humans (ice-age, earthquakes, volcanoes...) we will find small groups of people banding together to survive.

And trade between these groups will be anarchic. Because there will be no force to enforce regulations. Nothing in the middle. However, with the blockchain keeping track of what was shipped and what was received, people will know who are honorable groups to deal with and who are not.

Anarcho-Capitalism is what remains when you remove all force from interactions. And i believe this is where the world is heading towards.

Split up of the United States

What we will probably see is a separation.

Imagine if Trump is found to have won the 2020 elections?
That the bad guys rigged the elections. And now, the presidency and all the congressionals are thrown out of office, because it cannot be shown that they actually won the election.
But, it looks like things are going to be massively Republican. That the Red Wave actually happened.

Then WOKE strongholds like Portland and Seattle may decide to leave the union.
They may even have the Chinese army come and defend them. (or UN)

Most of the MAGA people will be like, whatever. Go over there and do what you want, as long as you leave us alone.
And in this scenario, we may have a "mostly peaceful" (un)Civil War.

Something like this is what i am expecting.
Anarcho-capitalism will win as old power structures break down into smaller and smaller pieces.
This will be a long process. Don't expect anything by next week, nor next year.

All images in this post are my own original creations.