Mechanism of High Voltage Induced Colloid Particle Zeta Potential Enhancement by Zeta Power System for Water Treatment [Sook Jin GOH]

bsfmalaysia -

Zeta Power System provides a 35kV DC electrostatic voltage which polarize colloidal particles (0 to -30 mV, 'ground/natural state') in vicinity causing an influx of ions onto the particles, after which the ions surrounding the particles rearrange to yield colloidal particles with enhanced Zeta Potential (-30 to -60 mV, 'excited state') that can suspend freely with lower tendency to agglomerate in water.

The 'excited state' of colloidal particles is time-transient, with its Zeta Potential slowly decaying back to normal level (i.e. 0 to -30 mV, 'ground/natural state') in about 2 -3 hours time.

Sook Jin GOH

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