My favourite drink : (Champagne)

bonaventure24 -

My bottle of champagne 🍾 drink about to be consumed by me

A birthday party or celebration can never be complete without drinking, and drinks are what make a celebration to be memorable and joyful.
I like to drink and make merry because life is too short, my friend, so in every opportunity that I have, I try to enjoy myself to the fullest.

✅ Is it common for people to drink tea and coffee in your country?

Yes, it is very common for people to drink tea and coffee in my country, Nigeria, because of its healthy benefits in their life.
Coffee, most especially, is what fat people in Nigeria take just to get slim because it burn the fat in their body.

My mum is trying to get slim because she doesn't like the way she is getting bigger, so every morning and she drinks coffee, and it is working well for her.

Students also in my country drink coffee so that they can be awake to read their books in school, it help is erasing sleep from their eyes.

For tea, they are herbal tea that people take in my country to stay healthy, we have green tea and chocolate tea for enjoyment with bread as breakfast.
I love drinking tea very well, and it's my favourite breakfast, I can digest it with any combo.

✅ Did you prefer different drinks as a child?

Yes, as a child I prefer drinks to a lot, my favourite was Coca-Cola drink, every day of my life I make sure that my parents are for me.
I was in love with this Coca-Cola and other drinks when I was small, like juices and energy drinks are what I loved taking when I was young.

✅ Do you think it is important to drink lots of water?


Oh yes, drinking lot of water is very important to our health infact it is very advisable that we drink a full cup of water every morning when we wake up from bed because it help in flushing our system and also keep us hydrated.
Water is life just like the porpular saying because we can easily survive without food than to survive without water, water gives us energy and also make our systems to function very well.

You can use water to sustain yourself but you can't user food or material things to survive, as a human it is very impossible for you to stay a day without drinking water this is to show the vital role that water play in our life.

✅ What is a traditional drink in your country for celebrating?


The traditional drink for celebrating in my country is red wine 🍷 no matter how small the occasion is they will make sure that red wine is available because it make the event to be colourful.
In some cultures, it signifies life and wealth and prosperity.

Champagne is another drink that is usee for celebrating in Nigeria, most because of the sound that it produced

Another drink for celebration is a local drink called palm wine, a drink gotten from a palm tree it is a very sweet wine and people enjoy drinking it although I smile not a liver of this drink because it contains alcohol.

I am using this opportunity to invite @josepha, @simonnwigwe, @pandora2010 and @olesia to participate in this wonderful contest