Betterlife - The Diary Game |19th July | Navigating Life Without the Internet

aspiya -

Myself @aspiya From #Bangladesh

Using Canva, The picture was made

Greetings Wonderful Individuals

I hope everyone is doing well and having a wonderful time with your loved one. I am doing well Alhamdulillah. The past few days have been unproductive for me on Steemit since Our country’s internet connection was shut down completely from last Thursday. Our country was blacked out digitally in what can be considered as a first-time-ever experience last Thursday morning. The quota system aggravated the anarchy, and to control it the government moved a step ahead to destabilize us making it impossible to access the internet, thus isolating us from the outside world. With day-to-day life slowly getting back to normal, it is calming to sit and write out the experiences from an unconventional Friday, where the world of social media was incomparably absent.

Morning Routine

Looking outside my windows, I had my curtains opened, I saw the early morning sun sneak through the room and indeed it was so quiet. After I freshened up, I stepped out on the balcony while holding a cup of tea with some steam rising from it. The weather was surprisingly exquisite, in sharp contrast to the upheaval consuming the nation. I turned on the television, which had become the only means of obtaining information, and tried to understand what was happening.

Household Chores and Quality Time

In the morning the time was divided between accomplishing certain house chores and spending time with my baby. Due to this, I noticed time and space rather closely because there was no Internet to distract me; I worked with maximum concentration on the assigned tasks and the precious moments I spent with the child.

spending time with my baby

Midday Activities

Feeling compelled by the kitchen, I proceeded to cook our midday meal for the weekend. The traditional process of cooking provided a feeling of normality in the middle of the turmoil. Following a rejuvenating bath and engaging in my religious rituals, we assembled for a satisfying and substantial supper. After eating lunch, I took a short break before resuming watching TV, eagerly awaiting developments on the situation.

cooked chicken tehari for lunch

Afternoon Reflections

The lack of any kind of audible digital sound was tremendously profound. This makes me feel loneliness since I probably have not been able to communicate with my siblings who are living in foreign countries feeling that I am all alone. Feeling rather uncomfortable, I decided to spend the evening watching a movie on television, though television itself now plays a limited role in our largely internet-based life. The cantonment region in Jashore where we live remained peaceful, a tiny oasis of serenity among the chaos.

Evening Refreshments

When evening came, my husband went to a nearby small fast food joint, a short distance away, and came back with some munchies. These we had together, a small happiness in a life that was otherwise so limited.

Evening snacks

Dinner Outing

My husband noted that there was a restaurant locally in the cantonment area that opened, and he proposed to me for dinner in that restaurant. As we were very much hoping to go out for a change of scene, we headed to the restaurant to have supper. A note of rather discreet optimism was rather prudent – the ad promised the prospect of the best and better life without really guaranteeing the bliss in an easily gained future. After such an enjoyable meal we returned to our residence, and no matter how chaotic our lives are, there is something that stabilizes us again.

Having no use of the internet for an entire day was quite a difficult endeavor; however, it was insightful. It emphasized the heavy dependence on the internet connection and how it left a noticeable gap in one’s life. This is why every time the internet was down for as long as five days, I had to reflect upon the fact of how determined and flexible we were. Now that we are on our recovery journey to uncovering a new digital normal, that time will remain fresh in our minds as a snapshot of life without the screen.

As I finish writing my diary, I eagerly anticipate reconnecting with the world and continuing my activities on Steemit. May we aspire for enduring stability and tranquility in our cherished nation.

Thank You So Much Everyone For Reading My Post