Contest| "Tools to Spark Culinary Inspiration #19"

arjinarahman -

@arjinarahman ©
#Bangladesh 🇧🇩


As-salamu Alaikum.
Hello Steemians! Hope you all are doing great. Today, I’m taking part in an awesome contest in the "Steem For Ladies" community, organized by @ninapenda ma'am.
Here is: Contest Link .
Let’s begin!

Table Manners: Learning, Practicing, and Overcoming Challenges

Designed with Canva Pro

• What are "table manners"? Explain some examples.

Table Manners

The etiquette and orderly behaviour maintained during meals is table manners. Not only does it display good manners, but it also displays respect of other people. Especially in family settings and social event in our country the importance of table manners is very high. For example, during family meals one should not start eating before elders, should not make loud chewing noises, keep hands and mouth clean and so on. These are essential parts of the table manners.

It is a normal rule in restaurants of the city to use the spoon or fork correctly. At the same time, in rural areas people are eating using their hands mostly. it is equally important not to spill food while eating, not to pick up any food that falls on the ground and to wash before and after eating hands for food hygiene. In our social environment the highest priorities are being considerate with others and make sure we stay clean when eating.

• Do you think children should be taught table manners or wait till they are grown before they can learn it?

Table Manners for Kids

The best time for the kids to learn is a very young age and from that point on, they should learn table manners. Children in a family learn from the older ones. They follow what they see. Therefore, parents or older family members must train them in table manners very early on.

Children can be taught that they must wash their hands before eating, sit properly at the table, having learnt to use spoons or their hands appropriately. They should also be taught to not waste food. Small habits would help them feel confident when they grow up to attend social events. If we don’t teach them these things early, they don’t understand how important these manners are, so it will be that much harder for them to learn later.

• What is the most tasking table manners for you? Share with us.

Hardest Part of Table Manners

The hardest part of table manners for me seems to be following the rules of a formal or official dinner. Strict rules during meals are not so required in everyday places of our country. However, when you attend a big event we need to follow every step.

One time, for an official dinner, there were different spoons and forks and knives for different courses. For soup, a round spoon was there, for steak, knives and forks were there, and for dessert, there was another spoon. I was always having trouble understanding and using all of these perfectly. This experience taught me to learn good manners.

• Is it best to avoid a meal on the menu because you can't pronounce the name? Have you ever done it?

Problem Face to Pronounce Menu Name

It is not good to refuse the dish in menu for lack of pronouncing its name. However, we should use it as an opportunity to learn and gain our confidence.

In a restaurant of Dhaka once there was a pasta dish appearing with the odd name. I really wanted to try it, but couldn’t pronounce its name so I skipped it. Then I realized that I should have asked the waiter to help me instead of avoiding it. If I don't know the name of the food, I now can simply ask. It makes me learn something new and gives me self confidence.

I invite following users for the contest