Ukuran Komunitas Steem Hari Demi Hari - Selasa, 17 Dec 2024

anginbukit -

Grup (Wikimedia)

Dikembangkan pada detil blockchain 1 minggu lewat (kira-kira 703 diskusi/212 penulis dan 948 komentar/136 penulis), kami menjadikan beberapa nilai dari acara komunitas Steem sebagaimana berikut.

Komunitas Berkembang

Grup yang makmur.

KomunitasSubscribersPending RewardsActive PostersPosting per Pekan
Pertarungan Sengit Ayam Jantan Dengan Ayam Betina
Hallo sela...
Coin Marketplace156
SSEA-MINER : Evaluasi Minggu 17 dan Peluncuran Minggu 18
Kami, yang Tidak Baik-Baik Saja
The Diary Game | Rabu, 11 Desember 2024 - Pengajian Rutin dan Belajar Lagi
Coin Marketplace47
The diary game; Senin 9 Desember 2024, Alhammdulillah berjalan baik-baik saja
Game Buku Harian Aktivis || 11.12.2024 || Menjalani Berbagai Aktifitas Dengan Cinta
Economic Diary Game | Selasa 10 Desember 2024 | Membeli es gogo dan makan bakso
Coin Marketplace41
Review tempat makan dikota kami "M.Nek Food and Beverage" , Lhokseumawe, Aceh
Evaluasi Belajar Akhir Semester Hari ke-8
Messages in a picture #1: Tiga Pekerjaan Terberat
Coin Marketplace38
Menemani Putra ku Minum Jus Mangga dan Kami Membeli Beras Dipasar
Membawa berobat ayah, ibu dan ibu mertua
Shopping Hobby Contest || pulang kerja shopping di toko serba 35
Coin Marketplace32
Contest - The Best Role in My Life
Nonton bareng Piala AFF 2024 di Guest House
The Diary Game ( Selasa 10 Desember 2024) Penuh dengan keberkahan.
Coin Marketplace26
Cara melukis Kuda dengan Sebuah Pensil
Melestarikan Terumbu Karang
Coin Marketplace17
Contest : Pets In My House Season 18 - A Tiring Day For My Cat| by @syidah01
Protected animals in my country Indonesia
Activist Diarygame kamis 12 Desember 2024 " Burung perkutut di pohon kedondong"
Coin Marketplace14
The Diary Game Contest #63(Tempat rekreasi terbaru di kota kami"Nara Pool and Cafe" Lhokseumawe, Aceh
"Tell Your Story #26"//Berjuang demi masa depan
The Diary Game – #63 : Hariku yang santai, belanja,memasak dan menghabiskan waktu dirumah saja
Coin Marketplace14
Fugler som bærer larveskadedyr
Warna bulu kucing yang inik
Den vakre fargen på kattens pels
Coin Marketplace11
One Picture And One Story Week #65
One Picture and one story Week-65
Weekly contest-best diary game|Memasak ikan pepes dan membuat es Oreo
Coin Marketplace10
It feels so good to be able to make my nephew happy.
Moment Of The Day Photography Challenge - Week 70 | Capture, Click, Compete!"
Photography stop rokok
Coin Marketplace8
A very happy moment with your beloved family
Singgah kembali di tempat yan sama
Review Coffe Shop "Suwa Coffe" kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh
Coin Marketplace5
Melukis rumah adat budaya aceh
Title: Morning Coffee at Keude Aron: Connecting Friendships and Workshop Stories
Si cantik Bunga Euphorbia
Coin Marketplace5
Photo story diary|Pengisian nilai di e rapor
Contest photo story diary:aktivitas seharian
Contest: photo Story Diary
Coin Marketplace4
HWC contest #102: Food Diary Game - WEEK -30 by @ifatniza(12-12-2024)
Kontes HWC #102: Food Diary Game-Week-30 by @hafizhanmyesha "15 Desember 2024"
"HWC contest #100: Food Diary Game - WEEK -29 by @yaumilahya (10/12/2024)".
Coin Marketplace4
My Neighborhood Watch #78 - Reporting Events Around us