The Time Is Going To Pass Anyway

anassharkawy -


Our mind has a way of playing tricks on us, often causing us to lose before we even begin. But today, we're going to overcome that together.

Whenever you're about to embark on something significant—whether it’s learning a new language, mastering a new skill, or getting in shape—your mind often convinces you that it will take too much time. It tells you, "Maybe you should wait, focus on something easier, something that doesn’t require as much commitment."

But here's the truth: if you don’t want to start going to the gym because it will take 12 months to get into shape, that year will pass anyway.

If you hesitate to learn a new skill because it will take 12 months to become proficient, guess what? The time will pass anyway.

Everything changes once you understand this simple truth: "The time will pass anyway." So, there’s no point in delaying important decisions just because they require time—because every meaningful achievement does.

I’m telling you this from personal experience. I used to be that person—someone who wanted to learn a valuable skill that could open doors in the business world. But I kept telling myself, “It’ll take too long to see results.” And now, six years later, I realize that time has already passed. I could have achieved everything I once dreamed of.

You may have noticed that you've wasted time and missed opportunities because you thought the journey would take too long. But that’s in the past. What matters now is changing that mindset, because if you don't, you'll waste even more years ahead.

The reality is this: achieving anything meaningful—whether it’s building your ideal body, creating wealth, or becoming an expert in your field—will take time. But remember: "The time will pass anyway."

So, will you be in the same place a year from now, or will you have made progress toward your dreams?

The choice is yours.