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Hello stemians🤗
I'm incredibly excited to take on this activity titled "tolerance" which I find very interesting.
Tolerance is the ability to accept ideas, beliefs, characters or even annoying traits and still treat people fairly without judgment.
There are some situations that can test our tolerance.
Have you ever had a roommate, workmate who you find nosy, noisy or uncooperative. Someone always taking your things without permission? Barging into rooms without knocking?
Have you ever been stuck in traffic or in public transportation longer than necessary?
Have you had a boss who gives repeated criticism and jugements always without commendation ?
These are everyday situations we face.
While it is necessary to caution people who do not respect your rights, we need to strike a balance so as to foster peace.
Hence, it is important that we develop tolerance in ourselves and learn how to manage situations without completely loosing it or creating an unnecessary scene. This may be very difficult became we are faced with people from various backgrounds, beliefs and customs. We may find a habit irritating or annoying but someone close to us finds it very normal and even keeps doing it. Now, the ability to have selfcontrol and deal with such situation will determine the level of our tolerance and how people will perceive us in the long run.
Do you consider yourself tolerant person who puts respect and acceptance for others into everyday practice?
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Well to a greater extent i would say I am a tolerant person.
Some time ago I had a driver who always arrived late and on such days instead of purchasing all he needs before arriving he will arrive first and then drive to the nearest filing station to purchase petrol for his vehicle. He felt this was very normal, even after we've spent several minutes at the station he acted like it's nothing. This went on for quite a period of time before I finally spoke and reasoned with him and it stopped. I try my best to respect others and try to avoid needless arguments.
When a person is annoyed nothing good comes out of it, thus it is important to respect others and yourself, know when to speak and when not to, when to correct firsthand and when to commend first before correcting and when to just keep quiet and stay on your lane.
Tolerance indeed foster healthy friendships and promote unity, dignity and peace. It is greatly important that we learn to accept and tolerate people we find among ourselves.
I invite @mesola @ruthjoe @goodybest