SEC S20W6 || White Blood Cells - Module 6

alexanderpeace -

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Define White Blood Cells

White blood cells also called leukocytes and they are the part of our blood that is responsible for fighting infections and protecting the body from foreign bodies. They are produced in the bone marrow by stem cells and about 80-90% of them is stored in the bone marrow too. When there’s an inflammatory condition or infections attacks our body, the white blood cells are released to fight the infection.

There are different types of white blood cells. They include the Lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, the Eosinophils and the Neutrophils.

Lemme explain these briefly and their functions.

The lymphocytes as a type of white blood cells actually have the B-cells, the T-cells, and the natural killers. The B-cells which are also called B-lymphocytes which are responsible for producing antibodies that enables our immune system respond to infections.

The T-cells called the T-lymphocytes helps the body to recognize and then remove the cells that cause infections while the natural killer cells attacks and kills viral and cancer cells.

The white blood cells called monocytes constitute about 2-8% of the white blood cells. These are usually present whenever the body fights chronic infections. They usually target and destroy the cells that causes these infections.

Eosinophiles: These white blood cells responds to the infections caused by parasites. They play a general role in the inflammatory and immune response in the body.

Basophils:These are rarely seen because they are just about 1% part of the white blood cells but they are usually seen more when there’s an allergic reaction and there visibility in the blood is a pointer to a serious condition.

Neutrophils:They are more in the white blood cells and they are responsible for surrounding and fighting the fungi and bacteria that enter the body.

The basophils, eosinophils and the neutrophils are generally known as granulocytes because they have small granules that contain protein while the lymphocytes and the monocytes are known as agranulocytes because there are no granules in their cytoplasm.

Make a diagram of the white series

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The diagram shows the white series in their broad classification as agranulocytes and the granulocytes. The granulocytes have cell wall, cytoplasm and nucleus while the agranulocytes only have cell wall and cytoplasm.

The basophiles releases histamine and heparine, the lymphocytes secrets antibodies, the monocytes Carries out phagocytosis, eosinophils control allergies and neutrophils phagocytes pathogens and bacteria.

Neutrophilia vs Neutropenia

Neutrophils occurs when there’s high amount of neutrophils in the blood than the normal countNeutropenia occurs when the amount of neutrophils in the blood drops lower than the normal count
Neutrophil count is higher than 2 SD above the mean value of the normal populationThe neutrophil count is less than 2 SD below the mean value of normal population
Can be caused by infectious and inflammatory diseasesCan be acquired or inherited

Explain a case related to the white series

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An 11 years old Sandra presented with 10 days duration of Hotness of the body. Initially was said to be intermittent however, became constant and not worst at anytime of the day.

After 3 days, Vomiting started of 3 episode on the first day, about 10mls of volume, non bilious, non bloody, not projectile, said to contain recently ingested meal. After subsequent days she was said to Vomit once or twice daily.

The Passage of watery loose stool followed and said to be non bloody, non mucoid. The first day was about two episodes however, the volume could not be ascertained. There is no presence of meleana, hematochezia, no abdominal swelling, no headache, however there is presence of abdominal pain

There has resulted to Generalised weakness of the body that has been consistent and Prostration, there is also loss of appetite.

On Examination : she is lethargic and ill-looking, in respiratory distress, anicteric, acynosed, dehydrated. Respiratory rate: 33cycle per minute. Pulse rate: 130beat per minute
Blood pressure : 100/70mmHg
Temperature: 38.7 DC

For the lab results, a CBC (Complete blood count) was carried out and the result showed 70,000 cells per microliter when the normal range is 4,000-10,000 per microliter.
Neutrophil count showed 50,000 cells per microliter with normal range 2,000-7000. Lymphocytes count: 14,000 cells per microliter with normal range 1,000-4000. In the blood smear, immature neutrophils were visible. (Left shift)

The diagnosis showed she had sepsis with gastrointestinal focus

Sandra's increased WBC count, particularly neutrophils, indicates a bacterial infection. The left shift on the blood smear proposes an emergency reaction from the bone marrow to produce more Neutrophils.

The following treatment were immediately recommended and administered: Oxygen therapy, antibiotics, fluid replacement and Proper monitoring to prevent further complications.

The outcome of the treatment was positive because Sandra's symptoms resolved with 6 days on admission. A follow up Complete Blood Count was done and a normalised WBC count was recorded.

The antibiotic helped to fight the infection caused by bacteria because of increased white blood cell count even though antibiotics should not be used for a long time as this would cause serious damage to the body organs like the kidney and liver and others.

Thank you for reading through. I ask @ngozi996, @jovita30 and @vickeyson to participate in the engagement challenge.