SLC S21 Week4 || Mastering String Manipulation and Operations in Python

akmalshakir -

Assalamualaikum my fellows I hope you will be fine by the grace of Allah. Today I am going to participate in the steemit learning challenge season 21 week 4 by @kouba01 under the umbrella of steemit team. It is about Advanced String Manipulation with Python and Qt Designer. Let us start exploring this week's teaching course.

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Task 1 - Intersection of two chains

According to the requirement of the task 1 to develop an application to find the intersection between the chains I have added the following things in the GUI.

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First of all I have imported the GUI intersection_chains.ui whcih I created in the Designer. The application is running without any error. You can see that when I am giving two strings and clicking on the Form button it is displaying the intersection between these strings.

But before this it is checking the input and valiadting it and if it meets all the codnitions then it proceeds the intersection application and finds intersection between the chains otherwise it is showing errors on the screen while informing which type of error is happening. It validates the input by the following this criteria:

If the input breaches these conditions then it will display the relevant error on the screen.

So we can use this application to find the intersection between the strings but we need to keep in mind the criteria while giving the input.

Task 2 - Word mirrors

According to the requirement of the task 2 to develop an application to find the word mirror or reverse of the words I have added the following things in the GUI.

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First of all I have imported the GUI word_mirrors.ui whcih I created in the Designer. The application is running without any error. You can see that when I am giving a string and clicking on the Mirror button it is reversing the string and displaying it in the output section.

But before this it is checking the input and valiadting it and if it meets all the codnitions then it proceeds the application and reverses the string otherwise it is showing errors on the screen while informing which type of error is happening. It validates the input by the following this criteria:

If the input breaches these conditions then it will display the relevant error on the screen.

So we can use this application to rerverse the string but we need to keep in mind the criteria while giving the input.

Task 3 - Rotation Mirror

According to the requirement of the task 3 to develop an application to find the word rotation mirror or encrypting the words and then reversing them and displaying them I have added the following things in the GUI.

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First of all I have imported the GUI rotation_mirror.ui whcih I created in the Designer. The application is running without any error. You can see that when I am giving a string and clicking on the Verify button it is encrypting the string and reversing the string and displaying it in the output section.

But before this it is checking the input and valiadting it and if it meets all the codnitions then it proceeds the application and encrypts and reverses the string otherwise it is showing errors on the screen while informing which type of error is happening. It validates the input by the following this criteria:

If the input breaches these conditions then it will display the relevant error on the screen.

So we can use this application to encrypt and rerverse the string but we need to keep in mind the criteria while giving the input.

Task 4 - Perfect Succession

According to the requirement of the task 4 to develop an application to find the perfect succession of the two numbers and then displaying it on the screen I have added the following things in the GUI.

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First of all I have imported the GUI perfect_succession.ui whcih I created in the Designer. The application is running without any error. You can see that when I am giving two numbers M and N and clicking on the Verify button it is arranging the digits in the ascending order or you can say sorting the digits from small to large and then it is chceking if their arrangment is forming a perfect succession or not. And then the relevant output is being displayed on teh screen.

But before this it is checking the input and valiadting it and if it meets all the codnitions then it proceeds the application and sorts and finds perfect succession otherwise it is showing errors on the screen while informing which type of error is happening. It validates the input by the following this criteria:

If the input breaches this condition then it will display the relevant error on the screen.

So we can use this application to sort and find the perfect succession but we need to keep in mind the criteria while giving the input.

Task 5 - Words Sorting

According to the requirement of the task 5 to develop an application to sort the words by length I have added the following things in the GUI.

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First of all I have imported the GUI word_sorting.ui whcih I created in the Designer. The application is running without any error. You can see that when I am giving a string and clicking on the Sort button it is displaying the sorted string by length.

But before this it is checking the input and valiadting it and if it meets all the codnitions then it proceeds the sorting application and sorts the string otherwise it is showing errors on the screen while informing which type of error is happening. It validates the input by the following this criteria:

If the input breaches these conditions then it will display the relevant error on the screen.

So we can use this application to sort the words by lentgh but we need to keep in mind the criteria while giving the input.

I invite @wilmer1988, @josepha, @ripon0630 to join this learning challenge.