Presenting the farmer in art. (748 Days)

ahlawat -

Mobile Photograhy

I reach my office in the morning. Cleanliness is increasing due to rain and dust. Therefore there is more work in the morning. Then I open my computer. I have thought that today students should get new pictures made. Then I saw myself taking a picture of a farmer. Then I go to class 8 and ask the students who will draw today's picture. Some say that sir, the rest of the girls have not come yet. That's why I took a girl. She says sir this can be difficult to make. I said I could help with the lines. Pictures are easily created in art. I have said that the face should be drawn first. Then you can make eyes, mouth, nose etc. But the eyes are not forming properly. That's why I have made the farmer's eye in art. After some time the rest of the scene was also completed. After that I have also started making wheat. It can be even better than this.

Photos captured by@ahlawat
Camera DeviceWhatsapp
CategoryNature, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Birds
EditedCaptured one
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