I have planted a new plant at home.

ahlawat -

Hello friends, I have planted some new plants, but this plant has been around for 3 months, it has small flowers, and its leaf is very small, this leaf from all around the pot in which I have planted this plant It spins, in which a circular plant is seen, the length of this plant is not much, it can be about 1 to 2 feet, its leaves and green companion are in yellow colors, its flowers are very small and white color blooms, I have Till now 25 flowers are blooming on the plant, this flower is of white color, other flowers bloom in it for days, it blooms from morning to evening, some flowers keep blooming for two to three days.

I have taken some soil and manure, in which I have also taken a small pot, then I have planted a small plant, this plant was about 15 cm, then I have watered the plant, this plant takes very little water in winter, it takes a week. Twice water is required, it keeps the leaves green for many days, this plant can be kept in any corner, it keeps on blooming all the time,

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Enjoy your Tuesday. A new plant that makes your life good.
Have a Nice Day.

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