Maracaibo ¡Few days to go! - Meet Up Centroccidente, August, 2024. Falcón, Lara and Zulia.

adeljose -
Saludos amigos de Steemit.

The month of July is almost over, to give way to August, the month in which we will celebrate the first meet up of Centro-Occidente where we will gather Steemit users living in the states of Falcón, Lara and Zulia. Lara and Zulia.

El mes de Julio casi termina, para darle paso a Agosto, el mes en el que celebraremos el primer meet up de Centro-Occidente donde nos reuniremos usuarios de Steemit que viven en los estados Falcón. Lara y Zulia.

Personally, I am very excited to have the opportunity to share with colleagues who have been active and committed to Steemit. I am sure it will be an unforgettable event.

En lo personal, me siento muy emocionado, por tener la oportunidad de compartir con compañeros que se han mantenido activos y mostrando un gran compromiso en Steemit. Estoy seguro que será un evento inolvidable.

As part of the organizing team, we invite you to support us through your vote in order to raise the necessary resources to cover the logistics expenses, especially the transportation of users who live far from the city of Maracaibo.

Como parte del equipo organizador, los invitamos a apoyarnos a través de su voto en aras de lograr reunir los recursos necesarios para cubrir los gastos de la logística, especialmente del transporte de los usuarios que viven lejos de la ciudad de Maracaibo.

On the other hand, we invite all users who are residing in this region of the country to show their intention to attend and participate in the MeetUp Centroccidente 2024.

Por otro lado, invitamos a todos los usuarios que se encuentren residiendo en esta región del país a mostrar su intención de asistir y participar en el MeetUp Centroccidente 2024.

When we launched the Meetup announcement, I received the support of many colleagues, including Steemcurator02, so I was able to receive a nice reward. On the other hand, @xpilar provided an important support to add resources that will be used for transportation and refreshments for some fellow steemites. Also, I recently received the reward for my last update, here is a summary of the amount collected (143.5 Steem)..

Cuando lanzamos el anuncio de Meetup, recibí el apoyo de muchos colegas, incluido Steemcurator02, por lo que pude recibir una linda recompensa. Por otro lado, @xpilar brindó un importante apoyo para ir sumando recursos que serán destinados para el transporte y refrigerio de algunos compañeros steemitas. También, recibí recientemente la recompensa de mi última actualización, a continuación les muestro un resumen de lo recaudado (143.5 Steem).

The reward was 35.48 Steem liquid.The reward was 51.475 Steem liquid.
In compliance with the club5050, I passed 50% to the account @criollitos where I will be collecting to contribute to the resources for logistics.Complying with club5050, I transferred 25.5 Steem to the @criollitos account where I will be gathering to contribute resources for logistics.

Donation by @xpilar to cover logistics expenses.

The event, as I told you before, will be held at the beautiful Vereda del Lago, an open space with an excellent view of the Maracaibo Lake.El evento, como ya les conté, se realizará en la hermosa Vereda del Lago, un espacio abierto con una excelente vista del Lago de Maracaibo.

We would like to thank the communities that have shown their intention to support us to cover the necessary expenses that the logistics of this event may require:Queremos agradecer a las comunidades que han mostrado su intención de apoyarnos para cubrir los gastos necesarios que la logística de este evento pueda requerir:

Comunidad Latina
Colombia Original
Shine with steem
Scouts y sus amigos
Traveling Steem
Steemit Iron Chef

The organizing team is composed of:

@alejos7ven y @vivigibelis for the state of Lara..
@yancar from the state Falcon..
@anailuj1992, @fjjrg and myself @adeljose from Zulia..

Each one of us will do our best to make the event a success.

You can join the groups set up for the organization and information of Meet Up Centroccidente 2024:

Grupo WhatsApp
Grupo Telegram

The more users join, the better, just let us know in time.

You can support the event through the following publications:

@vivigibelisTercer Avance del Meet Up Centroccidente 2024
@yancarReporte de Donaciones Meet Up Centroccidente.
@astilemCabimas dice presente en el Meet Up Centroccidente,

Other publications related to the support provided to the event are the following:

@yancarPróximo Meet Up Centroccidente, Agosto, 2024. Falcón, Lara y Zulia.
@vivigibelisMaracaibo, ¡Allá vamos!- Meet Up Centroccidente 2024
@fjjrgPróximo Meet Up Centroccidente, Agosto, 2024. Falcón, Lara y Zulia.
@hive-190211Apoyo al próximo Meet Up Centroccidente, Agosto 2024.
@solperezApoyo al Meet-Up Centrooccidental: 10 de agosto del año 2024:
@steemit-ironchefMaracaibo, cálido escenario del meet up Centro-occidental, agosto 2024.
@hive-109435Announcement: Announcement: Support for the Centroccident Meet Up in Venezuela.
@yancarReporte de Donaciones Meet Up Centroccidente.
@fjjrgFaltan 26 días para el Meet Up Centroccidente de Venezuela.
@astilemMovilización de Steemians de Cabimas, Zulia
@pandora2010Seguimos apoyando para el próximo Meet Up Centroccidente

We are looking forward to this day for the big Steemit family meeting. We are waiting for you

I cannot say goodbye without first inviting you to join #Club5050, where the goal is to accelerate the growth of our accounts to provide greater support in our communities.

To be part of the #club5050, you just have to make sure that during the last month you have more Steem on than Steem off.

World Of Xpilar
