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A little change in my Diet has helped me with many benefits


3 years agoSteemit4 min read

It's been over a year that I have completely stopped using cooking oil. I have stopped getting oil at my place and have replaced it with Ghee (clarified butter) for all our cooking purposes. I can see a clear difference in my health. Absolutely no acidity issues, no burning sensations even after having sometimes spicy food, and overall, I just feel good after every meal. I have not got my CRP test done to check on the inflammation markers, but I am sure they must have lowered then before with this change, because I can feel my body healthy and I feel light even after heavy meals. I do not get that lethargic feeling. Normally after a meal, I would feel that and then want to take a nap. That extreme lethargy has gone away. I definitely feel that this little modification in my diet has helped me a lot.

Cooking oil is one of the most basic and almost every dish that we prepare needs it, so it is a daily consumption. Especially in the Indian cuisine, oil is a part of every dish and no dish can be made without it. The scientific research shows that normal processed vegetable cooking oil is not at all healthy for the body. It contributes towards the high inflammation markers in the body.


The processed vegetable oils go through intense and extreme heating process resulting into high level of toxic oxidation, and they contain high amount of oxidized omega-6 linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fat, which damages the cells' structure, not only the cell structure but it can also damage our DNA and proteins and Brain health over a prolonged period of time.

In the olden times, our ancestors majorly used ghee (clarified butter) for cooking purposes, and that too they would make at home, and I believe that they very well knew the benefits of using Ghee in cooking. For the same reason we can see that their old eating food habits were much healthier than ours and even the numbers of ailments were much lesser.
These days almost every second person has an autoimmune condition and this is resulting from our unhealthy eating habits. As the quality of food has deteriorated, the land where our food grows is losing its own nutrients due to continuous chemical exposure, resulting in us getting less nutrition.

The vegetable oils we get in the market are cheaper than the Ghee but it comes with its own price. I would rather prefer to spend a little extra than to risk my health. Nowadays the Oil companies have started branding their Oils with labelling of Omega 6 but if the Omega 6 is not balanced with Omega 3 then it will lead to inflammations in the body. Both of them have to be balanced and consumption of anyone in large is not healthy for the body. Omega - 3 fatty acids help to balance the effects of Omega- 6. The thing is that we do not consume enough of Omega -3 and we consume more of Omega -6, which is also one of the reasons to trigger the autoimmune conditions.


Organic Coconut oil and Ghee are good alternatives to replace the vegetable oils and they are not very expensive. The other options are blackseed oil, grass fed butter, Avocado oil, Olive oil. If not organic and even if they can be replaced with simple coconut cooking oil it will be helpful. Coconut oil is the easiest one on the pocket and hence the option is a convenient one.

In my kitchen we use a mix of Olive oil and Ghee. Any oil that does not go through the extreme heating process can be used because the level of toxic oxidation will be less in such oils.

Trust me, if you have some regular acidity issues, heaviness feeling, restlessness, lethargic feeling, try changing your oil to other alternatives and over a period of time you will see the difference in health.

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