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Why are so many condoms given to Olympic athletes?


2 months agoSteemit2 min read

You literally could not invent a scenario more likely to lead to a massive sex frenzy than the Olympic Games.

You are going to take thousands of people who:

-Are mostly between 18 and 25
-Are physically at the absolute peak of human fitness
-Are generally probably pretty damn good looking as a result


Who live 99.9% of their lives in a bubble of early starts, early bed, strict eating and extreme focus on their sport, very rarely cutting loose and probably not having time for relationships.

Who are insanely tense in the moments leading up to their event which they have been training for four straight years for, and as soon as their event is over all that tension is just waiting to be released.

Who are surrounded by people from other countries who are the very definition of ‘no strings attached’ partners given that the other party is likely going to go home to a completely different country in a few weeks.

And you are going to lock them all up together in a confined area for weeks on end?

Don’t be surprised if that cocktail results in a LOT of sex happening.

It is not a good look for the Olympics to have to explain away mass STI outbreaks or unplanned pregnancies amongst their star athletes, so it’s very much in their interests to ensure unlimited condoms are provided.


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