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The Echo of Twitter on Planet X


2 months agoSteemit5 min read

Oh, look, Twitter, the heartbroken little bird, dragging itself towards a future as enticing as a Monday morning. Carrying the burden of incomprehensible data and never-ending online quarrels on its shoulders. Because why face your problems head-on when you can just fly towards a depressingly gray horizon?


In the great, sarcastic universe, a little bird named Twitter was kicked out of Earth. The reason? He had made the grave mistake of tweeting uncomfortable truths, such as "Humans still use 'LOL' without actually laughing" and "Avocado is overrated." And so, with its baggage of data and a feather slightly dented by the latest failed meme, Twitter headed towards Planet X, a world so hostile that even computer viruses avoided visiting it so as not to fall into depression.


Twitter lands on Planet X, as dramatic as an overrated movie, ready to unleash an unexpected revolution on an unsuspecting world.

The intergalactic journey was not easy. Twitter had to navigate through asteroid fields that were less chaotic than comments sections under political posts and navigate black holes that sucked up hope and broadband with equal voracity. But our intrepid little bird was determined to find a new nest for his 280 characters of wisdom.


Planet X, a hospitable dark and mysterious world, ready to be the backdrop to the adventures of little Twitter.

Upon arriving on Planet X, Twitter discovered a society where the computer system was so backward that "software update" simply meant turning it off and on again. The local culture was dominated by such deep cynicism that even the plants refused to bloom, so as not to give the impression of being too optimistic.


Twitter, infuses Earth's humor into bleak Planet X, brightening desolation with memes even melancholy would appreciate.

Twitter, with its innate tendency to intrude where it wasn't welcome, began its plan to compromise the computer system of X by infiltrating terrestrial cultural streams into its roots. It started slowly, with surreal memes that confused the citizens of X as much as a blooming plant would.


A Xian's face post-Twitter: a blend of bewilderment and mirth, as if they've just discovered sarcasm isn't just for decoration.

"Look, a joke that doesn't imply the imminent end of civilization!" exclaimed a Xian, looking at a Twitter meme for the first time. The confusion was the first step towards revolution.

Over time, Twitter introduced even more bewildering concepts: optimism, hope, and even videos of cats failing adorably. The cats on X, known for their ability to disdainfully look upon any form of life, were particularly puzzled by this new portrayal.


Here is a madly cackling Xian, the joy sparked by Twitter memes, a rare glimmer of joy in a zombie college..

But the final blow was the introduction of sarcasm. Planet X was used to taking everything literally, so the idea that you could say one thing and mean another was revolutionary. “So when I say 'What a beautiful day', I might actually mean 'I'd rather be swallowed by a black hole'?” a Xian asked, his eyes lit with the excitement of discovery.

Twitter watched the cultural chaos it had unleashed, a satisfied smirk framed by its beak. Planet X, once a monolith of despair and banality, was slowly becoming a place where contradiction and ambiguity were accepted, even celebrated. The little bird had found a new purpose, teaching the inhabitants of X the art of double entendre, self-irony, and, most importantly, that it was okay to laugh at oneself without necessarily launching a retaliatory cyber attack.


Twitter returns to Earth, leaving behind a trail of hope on Planet X, its mission complete, its feathers dusted with the promise of change.

And so, in its small but significant way, Twitter had changed Planet X. Not that the Xians would ever openly admit it. After all, acknowledging improvement would have been too akin to optimism, and on X, some habits are hard to die. But deep in their cold hearts and in even colder servers, they knew a little bird from Earth had brought something special to their world: the ability to laugh, not just at others, but also at themselves.

Thus, as it moved away from Planet X, Twitter smiled, aware it had left an indelible mark. And as the Xian tweets continued to invade the universe, one thought comforted it: "At least I'll never have to explain to them what an 'influencer' is. And for that, I can truly thank the universe."

images created digitally by me

thanks for reading: @ibesso

@wakeupkitty @nftnova @eskarem @yaladeeds @fart-girl


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