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The importance of giving children early education, craft/business training in life.


last yearSteemit3 min read

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels: source
Greetings to you my beloved friends, steemians and the future leaders, the kids. Happy new month, I hope everything is going well with you. It's another opportunity here for me to rub mind with you in an issue of interest and lesson. I heartily welcome all of you to my daily posts for today, the 1st June, 2023. Dissecting the importance of giving children early education, craft/business training in life.

Safely, there this adage, that says "you don't learn to use the left hand in the old age" seque to the subject matter, there is very suitable time for everything which when misplaced, there would be high probability of failure. Life is on continuous growth and change, the ages, commensurate to a particular event. There is time for enthusiasm, interest and concentration and time for declination of those things. It is missing priority, when each event is not appropriated to the right time, hence the value and validity bringing this topic: The importance of giving children early education, craft/business training in life.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: source
Every right thinking parents and persons are aware, it's such important to give children every necessary training at tender age. The education, craft, business, moral values and so on. Children brain is likely empty and seriously, yearning to be filled up. The items with which the brain is filled, determine the future of the child because the building in a child at tender age is such of high effect for life. It's very important to actually get prepared as much as we can follow our children, non-stop training necessary, those that make them become a better and a responsible person in the society.

Photo by RDNE Stock project from Pexels: source
Like I said earlier, the adage, nobody learns using the left hand at old age. The children at the age of 12 to 16, starting basic education at that age, will not be able to achieve much because, by then life realities, have started setting in, the puberty, money, infact all that drives and diverts the Mind from focus. And this is why such children will be unable to achieve much in life careers. The early training, makes huge sense since before those life realities sets in, the child would have covered and completed a distance to the effect and 100% ready to embrace the life offers.

Photo by Max Fischer from Pexels: source
The need to give children training early in life, can not be overemphasized. Take for instance, someone at 25, have graduated from the high institution and Is working might not feel the true story of the down side of life. Female children supposed to have graduated and working before canal knowledge. Early training in children, builds and gives them permanent values, reduce suffering and avert regrettable mistakes in life. Therefore, endeavour to give our beloved kids early training, in education, craft, business, moral values and so on. It saves time, prevents suffering, promote concentration and focus. The more resultant advantages, you shall be glad you did.

Thank you so much my good friends, the future leaders, my kids in here and everyone for joining my publication for today. Happy new month once again.


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