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Today's AI technology is progressing rapidly, but in one of the earliest fields of AI technology, autonomous driving, after years of development, it has achieved great progress. One of the earliest areas of AI technology, autonomous driving, has been developing for many years, but it is still happening. In addition to technical reasons, much of this involves the subversion of traditional human ethics. One of the most typical is the philosophical trolley blue Hooves. In fact, if AI is popularized in self-driving cars, it will be a revolution in the history of human transportation, and the benefits are obvious. Because millions of people die every year in traffic accidents around the world, and most of them are caused by human factors, such as tired driving, drunk driving and so on. If you replace a human driver with an AI, the effect will be noticeable, and the AI will not get tired, nor will it last long. According to preliminary estimates, if all AI drivers were replaced by human drivers, the traffic accident rate could be reduced by 90%, which means millions of lives could be saved and many more people could be self-injured due to traffic accidents. But nothing in this world is 100%, and in some extreme cases, even AI can cause casualties. For example, in such an extreme scene, a high-speed self-driving car suddenly appears in front of an old man crossing the road, a pedestrian. At this time because of the fast speed, the brake is too late, if you want to avoid pedestrians, if you want to turn to avoid pedestrians, the car will turn to the guardrail. The impact of high speed can cause serious injury or death to passengers. At this time, how should AI make decisions, and who should bear the consequences and responsibilities generated by AI decisions, and the responsibility for producing consequences? This is the classic problem of authority. If it had been in a human car, the problem would have been less complicated. If you exclude traffic violations such as drunk driving or jaywalking, then the death or injury was accidental because the human mind is unable to react and make decisions at high speeds. Accidents can happen in tens of hundredths of a second, and human consciousness is unable to react and make decisions. But AI is different. It has more sophisticated receptors and faster processing speed than the human brain. This is entirely a decision and choice made by the AI, and if there is a choice, there must be responsibility for the consequences. But how does AI take responsibility? This seems to be an ethical dilemma. There is a very in-depth discussion of the big issue of YouTube and the channel on that was introduced earlier, covering each of the main points of view on this issue. The arguments and reasoning are presented, which is very interesting. Here is a brief introduction. To put it simply, these factions generally fall into three groups. One is against the use of autonomous driving technology, and the other is for the use of autonomous driving technology. The opposition believes that although autonomous driving technology will bring huge benefits to human society as a whole and can greatly reduce the casualties caused by traffic accidents, it cannot be eliminated. In the event of a traffic accident involving casualties caused by automatic driving, the responsible party cannot be identified and the losses will be borne by the victims themselves. This is unfair, so autonomous driving technology should not be promoted just because it is of great benefit to mankind as a whole, but at the expense of individual interests. In this way, we make the mistake of collectivism, sacrifice the individual and achieve the interests of the collective. Obviously, I find this view a little far-fetched. First of all, there is some truth to this argument, but it also raises questions, not solutions. Most of the arguments in favor of promoting autonomous driving offer their own solutions. So there are roughly three factions within the Yes camp. One is the responsibility of the manufacturer, one is the responsibility of the owner, another is the responsibility, and the other is a little weird, is the responsibility of the car. The main idea of the factory school is summed up in Spider-Man's famous saying that with great power comes great responsibility. Because self-driving cars are designed by manufacturers, they are also the people most able to influence decisions about autonomous vehicles. It is impossible for a customer buying a car to understand the underlying source code of AI, its specifics, and the decision-making processes that interfere with it. Therefore, in the event of an accident involving an autonomous vehicle, the manufacturer should bear the main responsibility. For the owners of the group believes that if the blame ascribe to the manufacturer, in fact, is unfavorable to society. The car manufacturers that have gone to great lengths to develop new products to meet market demands and save more than 90 percent of traffic accident victims will become the cars they have already sold. It makes no sense at all that the party responsible for the traffic accident is responsible. After all, when a car is sold, the manufacturer no longer owns it, and that discourages them from innovating. This is very similar to working in the system, the more you do, the more mistakes you make, the worse your future. Those who lie flat or concentrate on their work are promoted faster, creating a reverse selection mechanism. Moreover, it is unreasonable to say that the car owner does not have decision-making power, so he does not have to bear any responsibility. After all, AI is just a tool, and it takes orders from the car owner. If the car owner takes a shortcut in a hurry and orders the AI to drive fast on a crowded street, which causes an accident, shouldn't the car owner be held responsible? Just as in time of war, when a group of soldiers commits a massacre of civilians, is the commander who gave the order completely exempt from responsibility? Most interesting, though, is the motorist's argument that accountability is merely to satisfy the psychological need of the victim or the victim's family for revenge. However, the purpose of punishment is not to achieve homomorphic revenge and meet the psychological needs of the victim, but to try to evade the front, cure the disease and save the patient, in order to produce corrected earnings in the future. For example, capital punishment for the most evil people is more important to deter other desperados from taking risks. Therefore, from this point of view, it is also OK to punish AI, so that he can realize his mistakes, improve his algorithm and avoid mistakes, thus achieving the purpose of punishment. This reason may sound funny, but if you understand the training algorithm of AI model, you will think it is reasonable. The training process of AI model is to compare the results produced by AI with the standard and get a loss function, which can be considered as punishment for AI. If his prediction was wildly wrong, the loss function would be large, and he would have to make more adjustments to the parameters of the model, and the whole process would iterate and repeat itself. But I think homomorphic revenge meeting the psychological needs of the victim is also a very important part of punishment, and should not be removed. What is your opinion?


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