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Incredible India monthly contest of March #2| Value of friendship.


2 months agoSteemit3 min read
According to you what is the value of friendship?

In my understanding, the value of friendship is the support and things we get by being friends with others, the value of friendship can also be support, companionship, joy, and cherishable things we get from our friends. friendship does many things to our life for example it provides companionship, support, and a sense of belonging, friendship can be a source of strength in times of hardship, and it can also bring joy and happiness to our lives. The value of friendship is immeasurable and it is something that we should all cherish and nurture. it is often said that our friends are our chosen family, and can often be the people who know us best. Another value of friendship is that our friends can have a transformative impact on our lives.

Do you believe we can share various things with friends that we can't share with our blood relations?, justify your answer


I think yes because friendship can often be less constrained than family relationships and there is often a greater sense of freedom, to be honest and authentic with them, like some things we can tell our friends we can't tell our relations about, which our friends can help us in resolving them when we tell them. friends can also offer different perspectives than family in sharing the same experience. friends are our chosen family, and we can be in a safe space to share our innermost feelings and thoughts with them. Friendship sometimes fills the gaps that our family relations don't.

Share about your first close friends and mention whether you are still in touch or not.


When I was 10 years old, I had this best friend, her name was Peace, and she was my first close friend. I interacted with her so much that she became my best friend then, we played, chatted, read, and did things together, and we shared a lot of experiences. We had this bond that we couldn't be separated by anyone. As time went on, we grew and changed in different directions, but I still cherish our friendship till now. I love the time we shared and I learned things from her too. I am still in touch with her even though we have grown and we are not living together again.

Do you have any memorable incidents with your friend? Share


Yes, one of the most memorable incidents that I had with my friend happened when we were in high school, you know sometimes friendships can be messy, and sometimes they involve fights. One of the most memorable incidents I had with my friend was fighting with her, what started the fight was that she took my pen without telling me, this made me sad because I couldn't write the whole day till school dismissed.
That was when I found out that she was the one that was with my pen, I was so angry that started shouting at her and we ended up fighting that day. After the fight, we couldn't communicate well because she became angry. We kept malice with each other, but later we still forgave ourselves and came together again. In the end, our friendship became stronger.

I invite @imadear @pandora2010 and @dequeen to participate in this contest.

All images are from my Snapchat account


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